High End Beauty Haul Alert!

Monday 29 September 2014

I've realised that beauty posts have been lacking on Beauty and the Bake recently. Tut-tut to me. I don't know if it was the guilt of not blogging about beauty for a while or quite simply that I hadn't really been buying a lot of new products that led me to an almighty splurge not once but twice in Space.NK over the past few weeks....eeek!

Motivational Monday: Chocolate Cravings, the alternatives

Monday 15 September 2014

I have a sweet tooth like you wouldn’t believe. I joke about going out just for dessert for dinner instead of eating anything savoury. I say I joke, but I’m deadly serious. But now that I’ve given up processed sugar for a while, yes I know you’re probably bored of me telling you this every Monday, shop bought dessert and in particular a Cadbury’s chocolate bar is out of the question – ahh!

The 4pm slump can be pretty tough when it’s not fuelled by a whispa, or jelly sweet of some sort, so, I thought today’s post could focus on a couple of healthier alternatives I’ve been enjoying snacking on that give me that sweet, sweet satisfaction.

Well.....Hello Fresh!

Thursday 11 September 2014

I love cooking. Whether that be baking a cake, rustling up a lasagne, or making my own truffle gnocchi to go with a sage and butter roast chicken, I just love the satisfaction you get from taking a few standard ingredients and making it into something beautifully yummy. 

I love cooking...when I have time...when I can be bothered...oh and when I'm organised enough to plan all the ingredients I need for each recipe.

Motivational Monday: The People

Monday 1 September 2014

It’s fair to say that with only two Motivational Monday posts then a four week break, I have been lacking a wee bit of motivation myself. I fell off the band wagon coming back from holiday, and got into some pretty bad eating habits. So, for today’s post, I thought I would talk about two people who have inspired me to follow the road of a truly healthy, and nourished lifestyle once again, and hope they do the same for you too.

Motivational Monday: Don't beat yourself up about it

Monday 28 July 2014

Never have truer words been spoken. OK, that might be a bit overdramatic, but this phrase really rings true for me.

So it goes like this…too many times I’ve started a ‘diet’ only to find a week later I’ve given in to drinks and dinner out, felt slightly hungover the next day so ordered myself a pizza. Pretty sure that pizza isn’t part of a healthy lifestyle…big woops. Not every blip may be that bad, it might be a bit of chocolate here or there, but I can guarantee you that I beat myself up about it the next day. Sometimes, I say to myself, ‘oh well, I was bad yesterday, I might as well just carry on for a few more days then on Monday I’ll start again.’

Ladies and Gentlemen, I think you call that a downward spiral.

Let’s be honest with ourselves, if healthy eating and taking exercise isn’t something that is whole heartedly at the core of your being and philosophy of living (there’s me being dramatic again), you’re going to slip up and take a bite of cake somewhere down the line. We’re only human for crying out loud.

Where it really goes wrong is when you beat yourself up about eating something naughty and put a lot of guilt on yourself. Stop hating yourself, that isn’t healthy either. In my experience that’s when people can allow their feelings dictate what they eat. For me, I comfort eat. When I am upset, or a little be down I’ll eat to make me feel better. That’s a whole other story, but the same truth applies. If you make yourself feel guilty about ‘cheating eating’ you’re more than likely to do it again, and much more frequently. Then when does it stop?

What I find works is when I really want a treat I allow myself to have it. Obviously, you should ask yourself whether you really, really want it, sometimes the feeling will pass after 15 minutes or so. If you do allow yourself a treat, then enjoy it. Every single morsel of it. There’s nothing worse than allowing yourself to eat something you know isn’t all that good for you, then beat yourself up about it with every single mouthful. What was the point of even eating it? Just make sure that afterwards you say to yourself, OK that was a treat, but tomorrow, I’m going to be extra good and plan what you are going to eat so there is no excuse.

Regret can equal regression into old habits, so just dust yourself off, feel content that you allowed yourself a treat and not beaten yourself up about it, and continue the next day of healthy eating.

The healthy eating journey can be a tough one, I’m only just starting it (again), but I will not allow myself to feel down about little slip-ups along the way. Be positive. You’ll feel better for it.

Have a great week everyone.
Becks xxx

Motivational Monday

Monday 21 July 2014

So, it’s probably no shock that with one half of my blog name being bake, I bake a lot, and generally just love cooking and FOOD! Heck, my past two blogposts have been how to make the most deliciously fattening cupcakes. Sadly, couple that with being pretty lazy and hardly doing any exercise and you’re gonna get a relatively unhealthy person.

Peanut Butter & Jam Cupcakes

Monday 23 June 2014

Yes, you read right. The ultimate in childhood sandwich fillings has been morphed into a cupcake and what a cupcake it is. Peanut butter flavoured cake surrounds a hidden gooey raspberry jam core, which is not only topped with peanut butter icing, but fruit goo and peanut butter crumble, because, well, why not? In my eyes, you can never have too much peanut butter.

How to Bake: Lemony Lemon Meringue Cupcakes

Monday 26 May 2014

I LOVE lemon flavoured anything, but lemon flavoured desserts are pretty much top of my lemon loving list. Lemon posset, lemon tart, lemon drizzle cake, I could go on...It's the perfect combination of sweetness to abate any sugar cravings and the tangy tartness from the lemons that provides a refreshing lift to any dessert.

Make Your Bath Eggstraordinary

Saturday 19 April 2014

I don't know about you, but for me there's nothing quite like a long, hot soak in the tub. Sunday is my day of choice for bathing, around 6pm to be precise, random I know. Lights off, candles lit, some chilled music on and the worries of the week, and the hangover from the night before, are but a distant memory. 

What I put in my bath is of most importance to me. When I was a kid, it was Matey bubble bath, as a teenager some sort of Body Shop fruitiness, but now I like to switch between my beloved Jo Malone Lime, Basil and Mandarin bath oil or one of the many delightful Lush bath ballistics.

BEAUTY REVIEW: Revlon Colorburst Matte Balms. Dupe ALERT!!

Friday 18 April 2014

Where to start……Life changer? (maybe a bit extreme) Game changer? (not far off) Lip crayon changer? Bang on. A bold statement for a bold product and I’ll tell you why it has entered the top spot in my go to everyday lip product.

Baking with Dad: Gingerbread Recipe

I'm very excited to post a recipe where I'm not just cooking with my Daddy but I'm baking with him! Cooking and baking is a new found love for my Dad. Over the last year he's really found a passion for all things culinary, and I'm very proud of him. Although my poor mother, who is an amazing cook and baker I might add, never gets a foot in the kitchen anymore, bless her.

How to make: Chocolate Easter Nests

Thursday 17 April 2014
With Easter Sunday coming up I thought it would be fun to rustle up a childhood classic for this time of 
the year....Chocolate Easter Nests!


Thursday 23 January 2014

Becks xxx
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