Motivational Monday: Chocolate Cravings, the alternatives

Monday 15 September 2014

I have a sweet tooth like you wouldn’t believe. I joke about going out just for dessert for dinner instead of eating anything savoury. I say I joke, but I’m deadly serious. But now that I’ve given up processed sugar for a while, yes I know you’re probably bored of me telling you this every Monday, shop bought dessert and in particular a Cadbury’s chocolate bar is out of the question – ahh!

The 4pm slump can be pretty tough when it’s not fuelled by a whispa, or jelly sweet of some sort, so, I thought today’s post could focus on a couple of healthier alternatives I’ve been enjoying snacking on that give me that sweet, sweet satisfaction.

Nakd Bars
I LOVE Nakd Bars. They are little snack bars that are made up of nuts, dried fruit, and sometimes some natural flavourings, all mooshed up to make a smooth, slightly chewy bar, oh and they are scrum-diddly-umptious! They are wheat and dairy free, plus have no added sugars so tick all the boxes for a healthy snack. I find these really satisfy my chocolate, sweet craving plus really fill me up. My favourite flavour is Cocoa Orange closely followed by Cashew Cookie, but they have a whole host of flavours to choose from.

Rebel Kitchen: Chocolate Mylk
You can’t really eat this per say, but my God you will want to drink a vat load of this stuff. This is better than normal chocolate milk, but doesn’t have any of the usual rubbish in it. It’s just water, coconut milk, date nectar and cacao…simples. I’ve been treating this as a pudding after lunch as I can’t wait until 4pm to drink it, it’s just so darn yummy. Plus, I find them really filling, which is good as it stops me from craving rubbish later on in the day. If you’ve never tried this, you really do have to. I promise you, you won’t regret it.

My last alternative, isn’t really an alternative at all, but something to help you stop craving sweet things. Cinnamon, that lovely spice you normally have in an apple pie can help regulate your blood sugar level, so should stop any crazy cravings throughout the day. I like to have it with my yoghurt and fruit in the morning.

What healthy alternatives do you snack on when you get that sweet craving? I’d love to know.

Becks xxx 
P.S. Sorry for the not so motivational picture.

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