Hello 2016

Thursday 11 February 2016

Hello. It's me. I've been wondering after all these years, if you'd like to... read my blog again! OK. Before I break out into a myriad of Adele songs, I do want to say a genuine hello, and explain my AWOL-ness. How long has it been? Oh, just 16 months. Cripes! 

You see, I have a good explanation. Over these past 16 months I managed to fall preggers, bake the bubba inside my tummy for more than the required time they say it takes (40 weeks my arse) and now have in my arms a six month little boy called Noah Attlee. Ta-dah! 

You see, when I found out I was pregnant I didn't know what to do with my blog and YouTube channel. Suddenly I had a lot more going on in my world, and all I could think about was babies 24/7. There is just so much to learn and I had no clue. So, my mind really wasn't on this game called blogging, apologies!

But, I do want to stoke the coals and get this machine working again, there just might be a few moderations, you know, since I have a baby in my life now. 

I feel this blog may turn into more of a family lifestyle blog. I'm still obsessed with make-up and skincare, and love a good bake, but a lot of my life is learning about how to create tasty purees for the wee man, or how to make a sensory box! Therefore, you may get some of that sprinkled in here too. I hope anyone who has read the blog (if anyone) is still up for adventuring through life with me, we just have a plus one now. But that's exciting right?!

OK, so that's just a little update from me. I hope to get a few posts up here soon, as well as my YouTube channel so stay tuned.

Until next time. Stay classy.
Becks xxx
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